Challenges And Opportunities For International Students In Taiwan

The culturally rich country of Taiwan has provided me with a plethora of challenges and opportunities over the years that have shaped my experience as an international student. Every aspect of my journey has provided me with both opportunities and obstacles for personal growth, from connecting with local students to learning Mandarin Chinese. It is through embracing these challenges and seizing the opportunities that I have truly come to appreciate the beauty of studying abroad in Taiwan.

One of the greatest things about being an international student in Taiwan is the chance to connect with both local and fellow international students. This cross-cultural exchange fosters a unique opportunity for personal growth and a deeper understanding of different worldviews. From sharing stories and experiences to working on group projects, the connections made in this diverse community have left a lasting impact on my life.

Of course, exploring new cultures is another exciting aspect of studying in Taiwan. The country is imbued with a rich tapestry of traditions and customs that are just waiting to be discovered. Whether it's participating in traditional festivals, visiting historic landmarks, or indulging in local cuisine, there is something to satisfy every curiosity. The opportunity to immerse oneself in a different culture provides a perspective that can't be found in textbooks alone.

One of the challenges that international students often face is language. However, this obstacle can also be seen as an opportunity for growth. Learning Mandarin Chinese not only enhances communication skills but also enables a deeper integration into Taiwanese society. From ordering local street food to engaging in meaningful conversations, the proficiency in the language broadens horizons and opens doors to endless possibilities.

Moreover, one cannot overlook the culinary delights that Taiwan has to offer. Taiwanese food is a feast for the senses, with an abundance of flavors and dishes waiting to be savored. As an international student, I have had the pleasure of indulging in a gastronomic adventure, exploring night markets and experiencing the true essence of Taiwanese cuisine. The opportunity to try these unique flavors has not only expanded my palate but given me a deeper appreciation for the country's culinary heritage.

Lastly, studying in Taiwan provides access to a wealth of study abroad resources. Language courses, internships, and cultural exchange programs are just a few examples of the opportunities available to international students. These resources not only enhance academic pursuits but also provide practical experiences that can prove invaluable in the future.

There are many ways in which studying abroad in Taiwan can be transformative. The challenges and opportunities presented in this country provide a platform for personal growth and a chance to see the world through a different lens. From connecting with locals to immersing oneself in a rich and diverse culture, every moment spent studying in Taiwan is an opportunity for exploration and self-discovery. So, take a leap of faith and join me on this incredible journey of challenges and opportunities!

Idea Title: Connecting with Local Students in Taiwan: Unlocking Great Opportunities for International Students

Studying abroad in Taiwan as an international student presents both challenges and exciting opportunities. One of the key challenges is to adapt to a new environment, face language barriers, and navigate cultural differences. However, this idea of connecting with local students can help overcome these challenges and open doors to a wide range of benefits. By fostering meaningful connections with local students, international students can gain insights into the local culture, expand their social circles, enhance language skills, and even explore job opportunities. Here are some tips and tricks for international students to connect with local students and make the most out of their study abroad experience in Taiwan:

1. Join university clubs and organizations: Participate in campus clubs and organizations that align with your interests. This enables you to connect with local students who share similar passions, creating a common ground for building friendships and establishing meaningful connections.

2. Engage in language exchange programs: Many universities in Taiwan offer language exchange programs where international students can partner with local students to practice each other's languages. This not only helps improve language skills but also fosters cross-cultural understanding and friendship.

3. Attend cultural events and festivals: Taiwan boasts a rich cultural heritage and vibrant festivals throughout the year. Take advantage of these events to immerse yourself in the local culture, witness traditional performances, and interact with local students who can share their cultural knowledge firsthand.

4. Collaborate on academic projects: Embrace opportunities to work on group projects or research assignments with local students. This collaboration not only enhances your academic performance but also facilitates cultural exchange and deepens your understanding of Taiwanese academic practices.

5. Seek assistance for accommodation and financial support: Local students can provide valuable advice and assistance in finding suitable accommodation options and navigating the financial support system. Connect with them for guidance on affordable housing areas and scholarships available for international students.

6. Tap into the local job market: Local students can offer insights into job opportunities and internships available in Taiwan. Build connections with them to learn about part-time job vacancies or internships relevant to your field of study. They may also provide guidance on application procedures and help you navigate the job market.

7. Embrace cross-cultural communication: Be open-minded and respectful towards the Taiwanese culture and customs. Engage in conversations with local students, ask questions, and show genuine interest in their perspectives. This will help foster friendships built on mutual understanding and respect.

Connecting with local students in Taiwan offers numerous advantages for international students, spanning from improved language skills and cultural understanding to unique job opportunities and a broader social network. By embracing the challenges and actively seeking connections, international students can make their study abroad journey in Taiwan truly enriching and memorable.

Exploring new cultures: Taiwan is a country with a rich and diverse culture, providing unique experiences for international students

Exploring new cultures is always a creative and attractive idea, and when it comes to Taiwan, the possibilities are endless. Taiwan is a country with a rich and diverse culture, making it an exciting destination for international students seeking unique experiences. In addition to embracing the beauty of Taiwanese traditions, students can also encounter various challenges that can contribute to personal growth and development. Here are some tips and tricks to navigate those challenges while immersing yourself in the cultural richness of Taiwan:

1. Language Barrier: Embrace the challenge of language barrier in Taiwan by learning some basic Mandarin phrases before arriving. This will not only help you in your day-to-day interactions but also showcase your genuine interest in the local language and culture.

2. Cultural Differences: Accept and respect the cultural differences you encounter in Taiwan. While it may be different from your own culture, view it as an opportunity to learn and broaden your perspectives. Engage with locals, ask questions, and try to understand the significance behind their customs and traditions.

3. Academic Adaptation: Adjusting to a new academic system can be challenging, but Taiwan offers excellent educational opportunities for international students. Be proactive in seeking assistance from professors, classmates, or academic advisors to understand the expectations and requirements of your courses.

4. Social Integration: Make an effort to join clubs, organizations, or community activities to meet Taiwanese students and expand your social circle. This will not only enhance your language skills but also provide you with a deeper understanding of Taiwanese culture through friendships and shared experiences.

5. Food Adventures: Taiwan is renowned for its diverse and delicious cuisine. Don't shy away from trying local foods, even if they seem unfamiliar or challenging. Embrace the adventure of exploring night markets, street food stalls, and traditional restaurants – you might discover new favorites!

6. Transportation: Taiwan has a well-connected public transportation system, making it easy to explore the country. Familiarize yourself with the metro systems, buses, and trains in your area to make your travels more convenient. Embrace the challenge of navigating through different cities and regions, allowing yourself to discover hidden gems and unique landscapes.

7. Open-mindedness: Maintain an open mind and embrace the unexpected experiences that Taiwan has to offer. Challenges are a natural part of personal growth and development. Approach each situation with a positive attitude, and take every challenge as an opportunity to learn, grow, and create lasting memories.

By embracing the challenges that come with exploring a new culture like Taiwan, international students can create a truly enriching and transformative experience. From language barriers to cultural differences, these challenges provide valuable opportunities for personal growth and a deeper understanding of the world we live in. So, pack your bags, fuel your curiosity, and embark on this incredible adventure of exploring Taiwan and its diverse culture.

Learning a new language: Learning Mandarin Chinese can help international students better integrate into Taiwanese society

Learning a new language is a creative and attractive idea, especially for international students studying abroad. In Taiwan, mastering Mandarin Chinese can prove to be instrumental in better integrating into Taiwanese society and overcoming the challenges faced by these students. The keyword “challenges” encapsulates the various obstacles that international students often encounter, such as the language barrier, cultural differences, academic pressure, accommodation, financial support, job opportunities, networking, cross-cultural communication. By providing some tips and tricks to address these challenges, international students can enhance their overall experience and make the most out of their time in Taiwan.

1. Language barrier: The first and foremost challenge faced by international students is the language barrier. To tackle this, it is essential to enroll in Mandarin Chinese classes or language exchange programs. Consistent practice and immersion in the local culture will help in improving communication and understanding.

2. Cultural differences: Understanding and appreciating the local culture is crucial for international students. They should engage in cultural activities, join clubs or organizations, and be proactive in learning about Taiwanese customs, traditions, and values. This will foster cross-cultural understanding and ease the integration process.

3. Academic pressure: Studying abroad can be demanding academically. International students should familiarize themselves with the university's resources, such as academic support centers or tutoring services, to seek assistance whenever needed. Time management skills and effective study habits are also essential to cope with the academic workload.

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4. Accommodation: Finding suitable accommodation can be challenging, especially for international students who are unfamiliar with the local housing market. It is recommended to seek guidance from the university's international office, as they often provide assistance in finding affordable and suitable housing options.

5. Financial support: International students may face financial challenges during their studies. They should explore scholarship opportunities, part-time jobs, or internships that are available for international students. Proper budgeting and financial planning are crucial to ensure a comfortable and sustainable stay in Taiwan.

6. Job opportunities: Building networks and connections is essential for international students to access job opportunities. Attending career fairs, joining professional organizations, and seeking internships can help students gain practical experience, network with professionals, and improve their job prospects.

7. Networking and cross-cultural communication: Engaging in social activities, making friends with local students, and participating in extracurricular activities are excellent ways to expand networks and enhance cross-cultural communication skills. This will not only enrich the overall experience but also create opportunities for personal and professional growth.

A world-class school like Taiwan offers excellent opportunities for international students to learn Mandarin Chinese and overcome the challenges associated with studying abroad. By actively addressing the language barrier, understanding the local culture, managing academic pressure, finding suitable accommodation, seeking financial support, exploring job opportunities, and enhancing networking and cross-cultural communication skills, international students can better integrate into Taiwanese society and make the most of their overseas educational experience.

Enjoying the food: Taiwanese food is a feast for the senses and provides international students with the chance to sample new flavors and dishes

1. Begin by introducing the unique culinary culture of Taiwan and its reputation for being diverse and flavorful. Mention that international students have the opportunity to explore and enjoy Taiwanese food during their stay.

2. Address the keyword “challenges” by talking about the potential difficulties that international students face when it comes to trying new flavors and dishes. This could include language barriers, unfamiliar ingredients, or even cultural differences in dining etiquette.

3. Recommend that international students should start with well-known Taiwanese dishes like beef noodle soup, bubble tea, and xiaolongbao (soup dumplings). These dishes are not only popular among locals but are also readily available, making them accessible for students who are new to Taiwanese cuisine.

4. Encourage students to explore night markets, which are excellent venues to try a variety of Taiwanese street food. Explain that these markets offer a vibrant atmosphere filled with a multitude of food stalls, allowing students to sample dishes from various regions of Taiwan.

5. Provide tips for overcoming language barriers by suggesting that students familiarize themselves with basic food-related vocabulary in Mandarin or Taiwanese. This can help them communicate their preferences, ask for recommendations, or understand menu descriptions.

6. Emphasize the importance of being open-minded and willing to step out of one's comfort zone. Encourage students to be adventurous when it comes to trying new flavors and textures, as Taiwanese cuisine offers a wide array of unique and sometimes unusual dishes.

7. Point out that joining a cooking class or participating in food-related workshops can be a fun and educational way for international students to learn more about Taiwanese cuisine. These activities not only allow them to taste authentic dishes but also provide insights into the cooking techniques and cultural significance behind the food.

8. Highlight the significance of food as a means of cultural exchange. Remind students that by immersing themselves in Taiwanese cuisine, they not only broaden their culinary horizons, but also gain a deeper understanding of Taiwanese culture and traditions.

9. Include practical advice on how to deal with any potential dietary restrictions or preferences. Provide recommendations for vegetarian or vegan-friendly Taiwanese dishes, or suggest that students inform restaurant staff about any allergies or specific dietary requirements they may have.

10. Conclude by encouraging international students to make the most of their time in Taiwan by embracing the local cuisine. Highlight that enjoying Taiwanese food is not just about satisfying hunger, but also a way to create lasting memories and forge connections with the local community.

Exploring the night markets: Taiwan's night markets are a great way to explore the country and experience the local culture

Exploring the Night Markets: Taiwan's night markets are a great way to dive into the country's vibrant local culture. These bustling markets offer a wide array of street food, unique products, and lively atmospheres. To make the most of your visit and experience the true essence of Taiwan, consider the following tips and tricks:

1. Research the popular night markets: Taiwan is famous for its night markets, and each city has its own gems. Before your trip, do some research to find out which night markets are most recommended and plan your itinerary accordingly. Popular night markets include Shilin Night Market in Taipei, Liuhe Night Market in Kaohsiung, and Fengjia Night Market in Taichung.

2. Go on a food adventure: Night markets are food havens, offering an abundance of street food delicacies that will surely tantalize your taste buds. From stinky tofu and bubble tea to oyster omelettes and beef noodle soup, make it a point to try a variety of local dishes. Remember to use the popular keywords like “Taiwanese street food” and “night market specialties” when searching for the best food options.

3. Try street vendors' recommendations: While wandering around the night markets, don't be afraid to ask locals or street vendors for their personal recommendations. They often know the best dishes or must-try snacks that might not be as well-known to tourists. Exploring beyond the main stalls and seeking out hidden gems will make your night market experience even more memorable.

4. Be prepared for crowds: Taiwanese night markets can get quite crowded, especially during weekends or holidays. To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and avoid feeling overwhelmed, it's best to visit during weekdays or arrive early in the evening. This way, you'll have more time and space to explore without being caught in long queues.

5. Bargaining can be part of the fun: Some night markets, especially the ones selling clothing, accessories, and souvenirs, allow bargaining. Feel free to negotiate the price, but do so with a smile and keep it light-hearted. Bargaining can be a fun way to engage with vendors and leave with some unique items or great deals.

6. Stay alert and keep belongings safe: Similar to any crowded area, it's important to stay cautious of your belongings while enjoying the night markets. Keep your bags close to you and consider using a crossbody or waist bag for easy access. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded spots, and avoid displaying expensive items that might attract unwanted attention.

7. Take part in games and activities: Night markets are not just about food and shopping; they also offer an array of games and activities. From traditional ring tossing to balloon darts, challenge yourself to try some of these games. It's a fantastic way to interact with locals and immerse yourself in the lively ambiance.

8. Learn some basic phrases in Mandarin: While it's possible to get by with English in popular tourist areas, knowing a few basic Mandarin phrases will go a long way, especially when bargaining or ordering food from street vendors. Simple greetings and phrases like “how much does it cost?” or “thank you” will make your interactions smoother and more enjoyable.

By following these tips and tricks, you'll be well-prepared to explore Taiwan's night markets, savor delicious food, and experience the rich local culture. So, pack your appetite, get ready to haggle, and embark on an unforgettable nighttime adventure in Taiwan's vibrant night markets.

Participating in festivals: Taiwan celebrates numerous festivals throughout the year, providing international students with a unique opportunity to experience the culture

Participating in festivals in Taiwan is a truly creative and attractive idea for international students. Taiwan is known for its vibrant and diverse cultural scene, with numerous festivals celebrated throughout the year. By taking part in these festivals, international students can immerse themselves in the rich traditions, customs, and flavors of Taiwanese culture. From colorful lantern festivals to lively temple celebrations, here are some tips and tricks for international students to make the most of their experience:

1. Research and plan: Before attending any festival, do thorough research to understand its significance, history, and associated customs. Knowing what to expect will enhance your appreciation and enjoyment of the festivities.

2. Dress the part: Consider wearing traditional Taiwanese clothing, such as a qipao a changshan, to fully embrace the festival atmosphere. This not only adds to the cultural experience but also shows respect for the local traditions.

3. Sample local delicacies: Festivals in Taiwan are renowned for their mouthwatering food options. Be adventurous and try a variety of street snacks and traditional dishes, such as oyster omelets, bubble tea, stinky tofu, and pineapple cakes. Don't forget to savor the iconic night market treats as well.

4. Learn basic phrases: Familiarize yourself with a few basic Mandarin phrases such as greetings, thank you, and asking for directions. This will allow you to engage with locals and deepen your connection to the festival celebrations.

5. Respect cultural practices: Pay attention to the customs and traditions observed during the festivals and ensure you follow them appropriately. Whether it's making offerings at a temple or participating in a lantern release, showing respect for cultural practices is crucial.

6. Capture memories: Bring your camera or smartphone to capture the vibrant spirit of the festivals. Take photos, record videos, and document your experiences to share with friends and family back home. However, remember to be present in the moment and not let photography or social media distract you from fully immersing yourself in the festival.

7. Participate in activities: Many festivals offer interactive activities, such as lantern-making workshops, dragon boat races, and traditional dance performances. Take part in these activities to get hands-on experience and create unforgettable memories.

8. Engage with the community: Festivals in Taiwan provide a unique opportunity to connect with locals and fellow international students. Strike up conversations with people around you, join in organized group activities, and embrace the festive spirit together.

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9. Stay safe and prepared: Festivals can be crowded and energetic, so remember to take necessary precautions. Stay hydrated, wear comfortable shoes, and be mindful of your belongings. It's also advisable to check the festival schedule and plan your transportation accordingly.

10. Immerse yourself fully: Finally, the most important tip is to embrace the festival experience fully. Let go of inhibitions, soak in the lively atmosphere, and actively participate in the celebrations. Open yourself to new experiences, make friends, and create lifelong memories during your time in Taiwan.

By participating in festivals, international students in Taiwan can gain a deeper understanding of the local culture, make lasting connections, and create unforgettable memories. Embrace the excitement, variety, and richness of Taiwanese festivals and let them leave an indelible mark on your study abroad experience.

Connecting with alumni networks: There are numerous alumni networks in Taiwan for international students to connect with and learn from

1. Research and Identify Alumni Networks: Begin by researching and identifying the various alumni networks available in Taiwan. Use search engines, social media platforms, and university websites to find information on alumni associations related to your field of study or specific university.

2. Attend Alumni Events: Keep an eye out for alumni events taking place in Taiwan. These can include career fairs, networking sessions, workshops, or panel discussions. Attending these events will provide you with opportunities to meet and connect with alumni, gain insights, and build relationships.

3. Utilize Social Media: Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, or WeChat to find and connect with alumni from your university or field of study in Taiwan. Join relevant alumni groups and engage in discussions, seek advice, and learn from their experiences.

4. Approach Alumni Mentors: Reach out to alumni who have similar interests or career paths and request their guidance as a mentor. Alumni mentors can provide valuable insights, advice, and support in navigating the job market, professional development, and cultural integration in Taiwan.

5. Utilize University Resources: Many universities offer resources and services specifically for alumni. Take advantage of these resources, such as career counseling, job boards, alumni directories, to connect with alumni in Taiwan.

6. Attend Career Fairs: Participate in career fairs organized by universities or professional organizations in Taiwan. These fairs often attract alumni from various industries and provide an opportunity to network, gain information about job prospects, and make valuable connections.

7. Explore Online Platforms: Explore online platforms like AlumniHub, an online directory that connects international students with alumni networks. These platforms make it easier to find and connect with alumni in Taiwan.

8. Join Professional Associations: Joining professional associations relevant to your field of study or industry can provide access to networking events and opportunities to connect with alumni in Taiwan. These associations often organize workshops, conferences, or seminars, which provide valuable insights and networking possibilities.

9. Engage in Alumni Mentorship Programs: Look for alumni mentorship programs offered by universities or industry associations. These programs match students with alumni mentors based on their career interests and goals, providing a structured platform for networking and learning from experienced professionals.

10. Maintain Relationships: Once you have connected with alumni in Taiwan, make sure to maintain those relationships. Engage in regular communication, express gratitude for their guidance, and update them on your progress. Networking is a continuous process, and maintaining strong connections can lead to future opportunities and collaborations.

Remember, the alumni network in Taiwan is a valuable resource for international students. By actively engaging with alumni, you can gain insights, expand your professional network, and enhance your overall experience in Taiwan.

Research opportunities: Taiwan has numerous research opportunities available for international students looking to gain experience in their field

1. Start by exploring educational institutions: Begin your research by looking into universities and research institutions in Taiwan that offer research programs for international students. Use keywords like “research opportunities for international students in Taiwan” or “research programs in Taiwan for [your field of study].”

2. Narrow down your options: Once you have a list of potential institutions, narrow it down by considering factors like the reputation of the university, the faculty expertise in your field, available funding opportunities, and the research focus of the institution. Keywords such as “top universities for research in Taiwan” “scholarships for international students in Taiwan” can help you find more specific information.

3. Connect with professors and researchers: Look for professors or researchers whose work aligns with your research interests. Explore their publications, ongoing projects, and collaborations. Reach out to them directly via email, expressing your interest in their work and inquiring about any available research opportunities or positions for international students. Use keywords like “contacting professors for research in Taiwan” or “collaborations with researchers in Taiwan.”

4. Seek funding opportunities: Research can be financially demanding, but there are various funding opportunities available for international students in Taiwan. Utilize keywords such as “funding for international students in Taiwan” or “scholarships for research in Taiwan” to find scholarships, grants, or fellowships specifically tailored to international researchers.

5. Understand language requirements: While Taiwan's research community is quite international, it's essential to determine if there are any language requirements for research positions or programs you are interested in. Look for keywords like “English-taught research programs in Taiwan” or “language requirements for research in Taiwan” to find the necessary information.

6. Utilize online platforms and forums: Explore online platforms dedicated to connecting researchers and students from around the world. Websites like ResearchGate, LinkedIn, or academic forums often have groups or threads focusing on research opportunities in Taiwan. Engage with the community, ask questions, and learn from the experiences of others.

7. Stay updated through official websites: Regularly visit official websites of Taiwanese universities and research institutes to keep yourself updated with the latest research opportunities, application deadlines, and admission requirements. Use keywords like “official research opportunities in Taiwan” or “admissions for international students in Taiwan” to navigate these websites effectively.

8. Leverage social media: Follow universities, research departments, and professors on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. They often share research-related updates, new projects, and funding opportunities through these channels. Use keywords such as “university research pages in Taiwan” or “research opportunities on social media in Taiwan” to locate these profiles.

9. Network with other international students: Connect with fellow international students who have studied or are currently studying in Taiwan. They can provide valuable insights, share their experiences, and possibly introduce you to professors or researchers who may have research openings. Utilize keywords like “networking with international students in Taiwan” or “online communities for international researchers in Taiwan” to find such groups or forums.

10. Consult your faculty advisors or university's international offices: Seek guidance from your faculty advisors or contact your university's international office for advice on research opportunities in Taiwan. They may have specific resources or partnerships with Taiwanese institutions that can assist your search.

Remember to tailor your searches by including your specific field of interest, as well as variations of keywords such as “internship,” “undergraduate research,” or “graduate research” to maximize the relevance of your results.

Finding affordable housing: Taiwan has a wide variety of affordable housing options for international students

Finding affordable housing can be a challenge for international students, especially in countries like Taiwan. However, with a wide variety of housing options available, it is possible to find affordable accommodations. Here are some tips and tricks that can help international students locate affordable housing in Taiwan:

1. Research in Advance: Begin searching for housing options well in advance to give yourself enough time to explore different areas and compare prices. Utilize online platforms, such as housing websites social media groups, to find potential options.

2. Contact Universities and Colleges: Reach out to the international student office at your university or college in Taiwan. They may have resources or recommendations for affordable housing options, such as dormitories or off-campus accommodation.

3. Consider Shared Accommodations: Sharing an apartment or house with other students can significantly reduce living expenses. Look for advertisements or join online groups specifically for students seeking roommates to find potential shared accommodations.

4. Explore Different Neighborhoods: Prices of housing can vary greatly depending on the neighborhood. Consider exploring areas located slightly further away from the city center, as they may offer more affordable options.

5. Language Exchange Programs: Participate in language exchange programs where you can connect with locals who may have insights or recommendations for affordable housing in Taiwan. They can also assist you with negotiating rental terms and communicating with landlords.

6. Utilize Local Housing Apps: Use local housing apps or websites that are popular in Taiwan, such as, to search for affordable rentals. These platforms often have filters that allow you to refine your search based on budget and preferences.

7. Join Online Communities: Join online communities or forums for international students in Taiwan, where members often share their housing experiences and provide recommendations. These platforms can be a valuable source of information for finding affordable accommodations.

8. Consider Homestays: Homestays can provide a more affordable housing option, especially for shorter-term stays. Taiwanese families often offer rooms for rent, providing an opportunity to experience local culture while saving on accommodation costs.

9. Negotiate Rent: Once you find a potential housing option, don't be afraid to negotiate the rent. Landlords may be open to lowering the rent, especially for long-term rentals or if you plan to share the accommodation with other students.

10. Utilize Student Discounts: Some landlords offer discounted rental rates for students or have partnerships with universities. Always ask if there are any student discounts available when inquiring about a rental property.

By following these tips and tricks, international students can increase their chances of finding affordable housing options in Taiwan. Remember to plan ahead, use online resources, explore different areas, and consider shared accommodations or homestays to keep expenses low. Good luck with your housing search!

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